Where To Find Our Candy Bars

Hi! Not seeing Go Max Go at your favorite store? Shoot us an email with the name and location of the store you’d like us to contact and we’ll do our best to get Go Max Go candy bars on the shelf. Please keep in mind that making a request with the store or department manager really helps.

Found our candy bars at one of the stores but the store isn’t included in our interactive map? Let us know and we’ll update our map with their info!

Mail order stores are listed below map.

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Mail Order Stores

Store Name City Country Website
The Vegetarian Site Glastonbury, CT USA www.thevegetariansite.com
Sweet Pete’s Jacksonville, FL USA www.sweetpetescandy.com
Natural Candy Store Traverse City, MI USA www.naturalcandystore.com
Blair Candy Altoona, PA USA www.blaircandy.com
Vegan Essentials Waukesha, WI USA www.veganessentials.com
The Cruelty Free Shop Sydney Australia crueltyfreeshop.com.au
UPROAR Shop Adelaide South Australia www.uproar.org.au
Vegan Online Pty Ltd South Australia www.veganonline.com.au
PAWS (People & Animal Welfare Society) Perth Western Australia www.paws.org.au
Hanf im Glück Graz Austria www.hanf-im-glueck.at
Lebensweise Kirchstetten Austria www.veganversand-lebensweise.at
Vegan Bag Wels Austria www.veganbag.at
Formosa Food Wien Austria www.formosa.at
Pure Ocean GmbH Wien Austria www.purenature.at
De Natuurwinkel Rotselaar Belgium www.natuurwinkel.nl
Vegan Supply Surrey, BC Canada https://vegansupply.ca
Animal Aid Kent England www.animalaid.org.uk
Dairy Free for Kids Castle Cary, Somerset England www.dairyfreeforkids.co.uk
Shop Vegan Swadlincote, Derbyshire England www.shopvegan.co.uk
VeganStore Rottingdean, Brighton England www.veganstore.co.uk
Vegan Tuck Box South Yorkshire England www.vegantuckbox.co.uk
Viva! UK – Store Bristol England www.viva.org.uk
Ekokauppa Ekolo Helsinki Helsinki Finland www.ekolo.fi
Ecoshop Ekolo Jyvaskyla Finland www.ekolo.fi
Hehkuttamo Oy Tampere Finland www.yrittajanaiset.com
Vegetukku Turku Finland www.vegetukku.fi
Un Monde Vegan Vannes France www.unmondevegan.net
4K Catering Barmstedt Germany www.4kcatering.de
Briefkeks Berlin Germany https://briefkeks.de
Cafe Vux Böhm & de Oliveira GbR Berlin Germany www.vux-berlin.com
Lowbrow Tattoo Parlour Berlin Germany www.tattooscout.de
Steffen Weigel – Viasko Bar & Restaurant Berlin Germany www.viasko.de/
Veganic Berlin Germany www.veganic.de
Veganz Berlin Germany www.veganz.de/
VEGO Good Food UG Berlin Germany www.vego-foodworld.de
Veni Vidi Vegi ! Berlin Germany www.veganladen.de/
Schafschoki – Allergikergenuss Bremen Germany www.schafschoki.de/
Vegan Koscher Cologne Germany www.vegan-koscher.de
Söhrer Forsthaus Diekholzen Germany www.soehrer-forsthaus.de/
Vegan Wonderland Dortmund Germany www.veganwonderland.de
Kokku Dresden Germany https://kokku-online.de
KMG Music GmbH Duisburg Germany www.impact-records.de/
Allergiker Himmel / Ute Clotten Düren Germany www.allergikerhimmel.de
Vegan FastFood Crew Essen Germany www.veganfastfoodcrew.de
redspotgames Freising Germany www.redspotgames.com
Laktosefrei24 Gütersloh Germany www.laktosefrei.de/
Die Sojapost Halbendorf Germany www.ak11.de/sojapost/init/?page=start
La Ka rot Halle Germany www.lakarot.de/
So-Ja Hamburg Germany www.so-ja.de/
Tofuclub Recklinghausen Hamburg Germany www.tofuclub.wordpress.com/
Nature`s Food Naturkost Hannover Germany www.natures-food.de/
Nirvana Hannover Hannover Germany www.nirvana-hannover.de/
JaVeGo Herne Germany www.javego.de
Glutenfrei-Express.de Herrieden Germany www.glutenfrei-express.de
bio family GbR Herzberg Germany www.biofamily.info/produkt.htm
Vegan Total Hofbieber-Niederbieber Germany www.vegan-total.de
Vegan Mobil Hohenseefeld Germany www.vegan-mobil.com/
Pure Nature Idar-Oberstein Germany www.purenature.de
Friedrich Ploigt Karlsruhe Germany www.schilfgruen-vegan.de/
Vegan Fitness & Foods Kassel Germany www.veganfitness.de
Vegane Zeiten / Goldene Zeiten Köln Germany www.vegane-zeiten.de
Veganothek Lahnau Germany www.veganothek.de/
Emtrada Landsberg am Lech Germany www.glutenfrei-supermarkt.de
Deli Leipzig Germany leipzig-deli.tumblr.com/
Ingeburg Schmitt Mainz Germany www.isgarten.de/
Vegan Candy Marl Germany www.vegancandy.de
Allergree Foods München Germany www.allergree-foods.com
Radix Versand München Germany www.radixversand.de
Club Courage / VfJu e.V. Münster Germany www.clubcourage.de
Roots of Compassion eG Münster Germany www.rootsofcompassion.org
Alles-Vegetarisch Nabburg Germany www.alles-vegetarisch.de
4cycles Nalbach Germany www.4cycles.de
Appelfeller Biohaus Nordhausen Germany www.appels-biohaus.regional.de
Cafe Klatsch Nürnberg Germany www.cafeklatsch-wiesbaden.de
syntax666.de Nürnberg Germany www.syntax666.de
Schwarzesocke Recklinghausen Germany www.schwarzesocke.com/
Kaffee Dada Regensburg Germany www.essendadatrinken.de/
Food Oase Reinbek Germany www.foodoase.de
schoko.politan Singen Germany www.schokopolitan.com/
Produkte für ein besseres Leben Unkel Germany www.ein-besseres-leben.de/
Nix-Gut GmbH Winnenden Germany www.nix-gut.de/
Allergico Wolnzach Germany www.allergico.net
Allergiker Genuss Germany www.allergikergenuss.de
Laktosefreie-schokolade Germany www.laktosefreie-schokolade.de
Vegan Kombinat Germany www.vegankombinat.de
Vegan-island.com Germany www.vegan-island.com
Bamboo Vegan Store Athens Greece www.bamboovegan.com
Csoki Korzo Hungary www.csokikorzo.hu
Vegan Life / Fabienne Origer Beckerich Luxemburg www.veganlife.lu
Natiirlech Biwer Luxemburg www.natiirlech.lu/
IK Magook Chocola Netherlands www.ikmagookchocola.nl
Veggie Deli / VSXL URK Netherlands www.veggiedeli.nl/
Veggie 4U Netherlands www.webshop.veggie4u.nl
SAFE Cruelty Free Store Newton Auckland New Zealand thecrueltyfreeshop.co.nz
Fair Fair Lisbon Portugal www.fairfair-online.com
Vegan Store Lund Sweden www.veganstore.se
VeganLife Sweden www.veganlife.se
Ethical Wares Ceredigion Wales www.ethicalwares.com