what’s better than some free go max go candy bars? some free go max go candy bars along with some free chicago vegan foods dandies marshmallows!! thass right! we teamed up with chicago vegan foods to bring you a veganlicious giveaway! one winner gets a bag of regular sized dandies marshmallows and 14 go max go candy bars. the other winner gets a bag of dandies minis (they’re so cute), a chicago vegan foods tote & 7 go max go candy bars. just leave your info here & your entered. easy, right? contest ends monday around 3. winners picked at random…good luck!!
I love the Go Max Go candy bars. They are the best vegan candy bars out there. I’m so glad that even after I turned vegan I can eat such delicious sweets 😀
Dandies and Candies, please!!!
crossing my fingers!
Love your chocolate. Wish I can find you everywhere.
Best ever!